Saturday, June 17, 2006

Day of Rest

Journey to the ST.N National Meet
Day 6 - Canaan Valley, WV
~60 miles

Several people were planning on going out and doing a mammoth 400 miles of WV twisties today. Others were headed out to play “Tag the State” and add to their personal “states traveled by motorcycle” list. There were 74 people attending the meet, so there was no shortage of ride partners if one desired to go with a group.

Me? I woke up late and watched Andrew (ZX11Andrew) fix Black Ice’s cruise control. It was a loose connection. Andrew also gave me an idea for fixing my own cruise control setup. After doing laundry and having lunch, I geared up and headed 30 miles away to the nearest large town. The auto parts store had the part I needed (a different kind of relay). I wired it up in the parking lot of the store and then headed back to the resort. There was a long straight soon after leaving town, so I got the ST up to speed and hit the set button. It caught! It feels silly to say this, but I really did scream with joy in my helmet. There was a big grin on my face for the rest of the ride back to the resort.

I had dinner with Yosh, Gary, and a few others before going back to hanging out around the motorcycles.

Before dark, a bunch of people rode out on a beer run. When they got back, a couple people emptied out their Givi top cases and filled them from the ice machine. Someone dragged a trash can over and we had the funniest set of ice buckets you’ve ever seen.

I stayed up late enjoying the camaraderie.

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