Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Two Eight

It’s that time of year again. I’m growing OLD!

Thanks to family, friends, and coworkers for the barrage of cards, gifts, and emails. I really appreciate the thoughtfulness!

I started to write something deep and grand and far-reaching about a look back and my lofty goals….. but frankly, I got kinda sick of that around New Years just a month ago.

I’ll settle for saying that it was a year of transition and I’m way ahead of schedule.


1TallTXn said...

Congrats Becca! Happy 19th Birthday!

Rebecca "Squeaky" Nelson said...

You stink for not telling me when your birthday was sooner so I could have been part of the barrage of cards and emails...

But Happy Belated Bday to ya - you're only as old as you act!

(yeah, so I'm 12, get over it)

Unknown said...

Happy birthday Becca! :) :)