Sunday, March 05, 2006


Last night I found out that my ST will go exactly 220 miles on a tank of gas. :/

I've also begun to realize that I have a lot of stuff. And dishes are harder to pack than you'd think, assuming you want them to survive a 2000 mile (Ok Jim, 1952 mile) journey.

Oh, and I somehow had comment moderation turned on with no email address set to inform me that someone had a comment they wanted me to moderate. :( Sorry Carolyn). All fixed now, I hope.

Oh, and STN'ers can be pretty chipper at 8 am on a sunny Sunday. Huge thanks to The Explorer, Twist, Bluepoof, Squidhunter, and Gragorin for waking up and coming out to spend a few hours bs'ing with overpriced coffee.

Thanks to Bluepoof for the pic:
(left to right: Twist, The Explorer, Rocketbunny, Gragorin, Squidhunter, Bluepoof)

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